The Mind of Malik Myles Grey Part I: Visualising Dyslexia
My practice considers the relationship between the struggle of having dyslexia in mainstream educational environments and how it is represented in imagery.
My own experience of learning challenges is explored through this black and white photographic series using visual metaphor inspired by Still Life Baroque painting.
I use inverted objects and materials relevant to conventional learning models, as well as a cameo of myself through mirrored reflections as I engage with them. My research has been inspired by the artist’s Philippe de Champaigne, Katherine Krieg, and Kevin Best.
This work aims to visualise both the obstacles of learning and the unique creative potential that neurodiverse people often possess.
Nature Over Time
Nature over time Film work:
Thinking about how I could show how nature changes over time. This was Shot for at least 6 weeks.
Living in a Pandemic?
This extensive photographic series explores the impact of COVID-19 on public spaces, specifically that of commercial premises. Inspired by the typologies of the Becher’s, my images were made during the second major national British lockdown and presents 160 examples of shops and businesses in and around the city of Derby. This body of work aims to document the substantial impact of the pandemic on both the economy and its effect on everyday life.